Ucapan Selamat Natal

Ucapan Selamat Natal 2012 yang kali ini menyambut Natal tentunhya Kata Kata SMS Ucapan Selamat Natal bisa membantu anda memberikan sms singkat kepada teman teman kerabat maupun keluarga dari pada penasaran dengan Ucapan Selamat Natal silakan di baca aja silakan di baca saatu satu yang keren dan juga bagus silakan di kirim ke teman adan yaaaa

Merry XMas and Happy New Year. Natal membawa Damai, sukacita, pengharapan, dan berkatyang berkelimpahan, slalu menyertai keluarga dan pekerjaan kita sekalian.

Merry Christmas! My plend.. May thiz christmas bring u more hapPinez, joyfull, faithful, n pren pliz 4give me yah if i had mistaken
or disappointed u i’m really sorry. May christmas peace touch into our heart.. God bless u n ur fam.. Plends 4eva.. n have a wonderful christmas..

Christmas is coming.. Glorify Him.. be joy.. be merry.. wishing u a wonderful and blessed christmas. Merry XMAs

No regret about the past ...
No fear about the future ...
New Hopes & dreams in 2010 ...
Thankful to God for His blessings in 2011 ...
Happy New Year!

Merry Xmas 2010 and Happy New Year 2011!
May the joy of xmas and the spirit of new year Brings more love hope
and faith in the upcoming year.

Christmas is proof of God's love to us.
Have we receive the love and salvation provided by Jesus?
Christmas Greetings my brother.

Xmas This is not the tinsel, not the giving n receiving, not even the carols, but the humble heart That receives a new the wondrous gift. the Christ! Merry Xmas!
Spirit of Christmas is the great joy. Message of Christmas is the great hope. Meaning of Christmas is the great love. Merry Christmas. Jesus Bless You!

Ane got news, there were more 2000th baby age. Kasian really lo, kagak born in maternity hospitals, er in a smelly barn have a sheep. But he deliberately emang kagak want birth in maternity hospitals .. He wanted to really born in our hearts .. Happy birthday, Jesus! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year GBU

Buka HATI ada damai. Buka MATA ada terang. Buka KASIH ada sukacita. Buka SMS ada ucapan SELAMAT HARI NATAL 2010. TUHAN BESERTA KITA

Hari ini tanggal 24 desember esok adalah tanggal 25 desember waktu terasa sangat cepat dan saya ingin mengatakan Selamat Natal untuk kamu..

Mari kita menjadi pembawa cinta kasih, damai dan terang bagi dunia. Selamat Natal, semoga kehidupan kita dan keluarga selalu dipenuhi dengan cinta dan damai.

Semoga Terang Natal akan tinggal di Hati kita dan menjadi terang bagi keluarga. Serta sesama. Selamat Natal.. GBU

Hari ini kesempatan sangat bagus untuk berdoa, untuk peduli, untuk cinta, untuk senyum dan mengatakan selamat natal JBu..........

The spirit of Christmas is Joy. The message of Christmas is Hope. The meaning of Christmas is Love. May Joy, Hope, n Love be yours always.. Merry Christmas.

Today 24 dec, tomorrow 25 dec.
Days are so fast! so i wanna be the 1st 2 say “MERRY CHRISTMAS”

May the peace and love of God fill each day of your life and light your way through the New Year. Wishing you and your family His Blessing always. Merry Christmas and Happy NEw Year.

The Day has comes, that His love is staying in every heart all over the world. Brings us grace, peace, strength & new hope. Merry Christmas & happy new year. GBU

I’ve a special XMas gift 4 u: a glass of care, a plate of love, a spoon peace, a fork of trust n a bowl of prayer. Merry XMas 2 u n your family.

Jalan-jalan naik pedati
Menikmati pemandangan nan indah
Tidak terasa tahun kan berganti
Semoga saja tahun nan indah
Sukses selalu di tahun 2013 nanti!

Oh my Dear., Forget ur Fear., Let all ur Dreams be Clear., Never put Tear, Please Hear., I want to tell one thing in ur Ear.., Wishing u a very Happy “NEW YEAR”!

hidup hanya sebentar
sebentar senang
sebentar sedih
sebentar bokek
sebentar banyak duit
sebentar nangis
sebentar ketawa
Eh, sebentar lagi ganti tahun
Met tahun baru ya

merry christmas and happy new year 2013

let sun bring you hope
let stars bring you rightness
let love bring you happiness
let my message bring you the dream come true
happy new year 2013
wish you all the best

Christmas brings new hope in life. Let’s be the salt, let’s be the light. May we can bring hope to other’s life. Merry XMAs to you & family.

Naya Sal Mubarak Ho (India). Maligayang Pasko (Philipine). Seng tan Cukaheyo (Korea). Merry Xmast (English). Selamat Natal (Indo).

Be a candle. Be a light. Be a twinkle in the dark. Be an inspiration & make a big difference in other’s heart! Merry Christmas.

Today is a wonderful opportunity to pray, to care, to love, to smile, to say.. Merry Christmas, JESUS bless you…

Semoga Terang Natal akan tinggal di Hati kita dan menjadi terang bagi keluarga. Serta sesama. Selamat Natal dan Tahun Baru.

I meet.. faith peace joy love.. they need place to stay, so i give them your address.. Hope they arrive at your home to celebrate happy Christmas with U.. GBU..

Bagaimana menurut kalian dengan Ucapan Selamat Natal moga bisa membantu anda dalam kegalauan untuk merangkai kata Ucapan Selamat Natal silakan di comot dan di bagikan keteman teman anda yaa